Strawberry & Kale Jam


  • 港币: HK$21.18 - HK$31.77
  • 新元: S$3.66 - S$5.49
  • 日元: ¥428 - ¥642
  • 马币: RM12.86 - RM19.29
  • PHP: ₱158.83 - ₱238.24
  • THB: ฿100.00 - ฿150.00
  • 印尼盾: Rp43,663.00 - Rp65,494.50

库存 50 件

Jam designed with ideas
“Delicious and healthy”
Kale or jagged leaf kale queen of greens It looks cute and has a lot of benefits. Reduce cholesterol, fight cancer, combine sour and fragrant.
with 80 varieties of strawberries from Dee Chiang Mai Select only the ripe fruit at

It’s delicious. Balance both fruits and vegetables in one jar.

Serve with yogurt or mix with cold drinks Italian style soda
It’s delicious, refreshing and healthy.
Ping bang bright colors in the fruit and vegetables

  • 港币: HK$21.18
  • 新元: S$3.66
  • 日元: ¥428
  • 马币: RM12.86
  • PHP: ₱158.83
  • THB: ฿100.00
  • 印尼盾: Rp43,663.00
  • 港币: HK$31.77
  • 新元: S$5.49
  • 日元: ¥642
  • 马币: RM19.29
  • PHP: ₱238.24
  • THB: ฿150.00
  • 印尼盾: Rp65,494.50
货号: ZDTOT-GJXW5EJP Category: Tag: Brand:

Strawberry and Kale Jam

“Delicious and healthy”
Kale or jagged leaf kale queen of greens It looks cute and has a lot of benefits. Reduce cholesterol, fight cancer, combine sour and fragrant.
with 80 varieties of strawberries from Dee Chiang Mai Select only the ripe fruit at

It’s delicious. Balance both fruits and vegetables in one jar.

Serve with yogurt or mix with cold drinks Italian style soda
It’s delicious, refreshing and healthy.
Ping bang bright colors in the fruit and vegetables


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  • 港币: HK$21.18 - HK$31.77
  • 新元: S$3.66 - S$5.49
  • 日元: ¥428 - ¥642
  • 马币: RM12.86 - RM19.29
  • PHP: ₱158.83 - ₱238.24
  • THB: ฿100.00 - ฿150.00
  • 印尼盾: Rp43,663.00 - Rp65,494.50
